Solas Festival
© VisitScotland / Luigi Di Pasquale
About The Green Team
We are an inclusive organisation with a focus on providing opportunities for children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who might not have the same opportunities as others to engage in the outdoors.
The organisation was formed in 1995 in response to the lack of voluntary opportunities available to young people as part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Since the launch of the charity, the need to provide interaction with the great outdoors for young people continues to grow. A government paper 'The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature', published by DEFRA in 2011 showed that the likelihood of children visiting any greenspace at all has halved in a generation. We're committed to playing our part in addressing this issue by getting disadvantaged young people out into the great outdoors.
Our Green Schools programme provides primary school pupils with an opportunity to explore local greenspaces and to take part in outdoor learning.
Our programmes
To ensure that children from across Edinburgh can engage in the outdoors, we have created a range of programmes which focus on responding to specific needs.
Our Green Schools programme provides primary school pupils with an opportunity to explore local greenspaces and to take part in outdoor learning. This includes the opportunity to build mini shelters for cuddly toys so that they can learn more about natural materials, discuss what makes a good home and consider how climate change might affect nature and our own homes.
For secondary school children, we run our Green Shoots programme which works with children who may be struggling to cope with issues including childhood trauma, neurodivergence, social isolation, behavioural issues, lack of self-esteem or not engaging with education.
Our programmes promote positive mental wellbeing through deep nature experiences and respite from daily life. Thrive experiences allow young people to connect with nature and to take pride in caring for the natural environment while meeting new people and being offered a safe space for open discussions around a warm fire with a hot chocolate.

Crombie Country Park
© Visit Angus / Alan Richardson
Working with local corporations
The Green Team extends its work with young people to activities for corporate groups - providing enjoyable sessions in nature that can support teambuilding and enhance wellbeing whilst taking practical action to protect the local natural environment and fulfilling sustainability goals.
Days can be tailored to suit the needs of different groups by flexing the length of the session and selecting activities that provide the right balance of relaxing wellbeing activities and/or hard conservation graft. Income generated from these sessions is used to support our work with young people.
Over the next 10 years we aim to build a legacy of positive, transformational and lasting experiences for our stakeholders through securing a sustainable and long-term future for the organisation.
The future of The Green Team
Through our programmes we provide lasting and positive life-changing experiences in three core areas: connecting with nature, connecting with others and connecting with self.
Over the next 10 years we aim to build a legacy of positive, transformational and lasting experiences for our stakeholders through securing a sustainable and long-term future for the organisation.